Renewable Energy Information on Markets, Policy, Investment, and Future Pathways   by Eric Martinot |
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Policy instruments and regulations -- market conditions and business opportunities for Green IPPs in the ASEAN. Guillermo R. Balce, Tjarinto Tjaroko, and Christopher Zamora. ASEAN Centre for Energy, Jakarta, Indonesia (2003).
Promotional issues on alternative energy technologies in Nepal. Shaligram Pokharel. Energy Policy 31(4): 307-318 (2002).
Status of photovoltaic industry in China. Hong Yang, He Wang, Huacong Yu, Jianping Xi, Rongqiang Cui and Guangde Chen. Energy Policy 31(8): 703-707 (2003).
The renewables portfolio standard in Texas: an early assessment. Ole Langniss and Ryan Wiser. Energy Policy 31(6): 527-535 (2003).
Dissemination of solar photovoltaics: a study on the government programme to promote solar lantern in India. S. K. Velayudhan. Energy Policy 31(14): 1509-1518 (2003).
Energy Policy special issue on green electricity in Europe. Energy Policy 31(7) (2003).
Energy Policy special issue on green certificates. Energy Policy 31(1) (2003).
PV in Europe: dependent on effective policy instruments. Marion Schonherr. RE-focus, May/Jun, pp. 44-49 (2003).
Effective green power policies: green power marketing is not enough. Mart Tampier. RE-focus, Jan/Feb, pp. 30-33 (2003).
Wind power in Brazil: making up the energy shortfall. Ulrike Wachsmann and Mauricio Tiomno Tolmasquim. RE-focus, Jan/Feb, pp. 38-41 (2003).
Photovoltaics: an outlook for the 21st century. Erik Lysen. Renewable Energy World 6(1): 42-53 (2003).
Small hydro on a large scale -- challenges and opportunities in China. Tong Jiandong. Renewable Energy World 6(1): 96-102 (2003).
WADE national survey of decentralized energy: China 2003. World Alliance for Decentralized Energy (2003).
World survey of decentralized energy 2002/2003. World Alliance for Decentralized Energy (2003).
Africa: improving modern energy services for the poor. S. Karekezi, M. Mapako, and M. Teferra, eds, special issue of Energy Policy 30(11-12) (2002).
Rural electrification programme with solar energy in remote region-a case study in an island. Snigdha Chakrabarti and Subhendu Chakrabarti. Energy Policy 30(1): 33-42 (2002).
A critique of renewables policy in the UK. Dieter Helm. Energy Policy 30(3): 185-188 (2002).
The potential contribution of renewable energy in air pollution abatement in China and India. J. C. Boudri, L. Hordijk, C. Kroeze, M. Amann, J. Cofala, I. Bertok, Li Junfeng, Dai Lin, Zhen Shuang, Hu Runquing et al. Energy Policy 30(5): 409-424 (2002).
Photovoltaic module quality in the Kenyan solar home systems market. Richard D. Duke, Arne Jacobson and Daniel M. Kammen. Energy Policy 30(6): 477-499 (2002).
Green electricity in the market place: the policy challenge. Doris A. Fuchs and Maarten J. Arentsen. Energy Policy 30(6): 525-538 (2002).
Cost-competitive incentives for wind energy development in China: institutional dynamics and policy changes. Wen-Qiang Liu, Lin Gan and Xi-Liang Zhang. Energy Policy 30(9): 753-765 (2002).
Explaining learning curves for wind power. Karin Ibenholt. Energy Policy 30(13): 1181-1189 (2002).
Utilization of renewable energies in Bangladesh. Mazharul Islam. Grameen Shakti E-book (2002).
Analyzing the interaction between state tax incentives and the federal production tax credit for wind power. Ryan Wiser and Mark Bolinger. LBNL-51464. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2002).
Utility-scale renewable energy projects: a survey of clean energy fund support. Mark Bolinger and Ryan Wiser. LBNL-49667. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2002).
Customer-site PVs: a survey of clean energy fund support. Mark Bolinger and Ryan Wiser. LBNL-49668. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2002).
The use of biomass for energy in Sweden: critical factors and lessons learned. Bengt Johansson, Pal Borjesson, Karin Ericsson, Lars J. Nilsson and Per Svenningsson. Department of Technology and Society, Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund University (2002).
A certificate-based approach to marketing green power and constructing new wind energy facilities. E. Blank, L. Bird, B. Swezey. NREL/CP-620-32430. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2002).
A renewable energy mandatory market share for China: lessons from the Dutch experience. G.J. Schaeffer, ed. ECN-C-02-049. Netherlands Energy Research Foundation ECN (2002).
Waiting under South African skies: only 1270 SHS have found a rural home through interim program. Photon International (December 2002).
The world PV market -- production increases 36%. Paul Maycock. Renewable Energy World 5(4): 146-161 (2002).
Time to come in from the cold? The solar thermal market in Europe. Werner Weiss. Renewable Energy World 5(4): 90-97 (2002).
China's solar thermal industry: threat or opportunity for European companies? Li Hua. Renewable Energy World 5(4): 98-107 (2002).
Renewables and development: overcoming barriers to technology transfer. Gill Wilkins. Renewable Energy World 5(4): 202-215 (2002).
Building PV markets. Customers and prices. Reinhard Haas. Renewable Energy World 5(3): 98-111 (2002).
Solar PV for rural electrification in Ghana. Clement G. Abavana. Renewable Energy World 5(6): 98-108 (2002).
Learning a lesson -- assessing PV programmes in rural South Africa. Wim Klunne et al. Renewable Energy World 5(2): 82-97 (2002).
For a sustainable international ethanol fuel market. Sergio Trindade. Proceedings of the 14th. International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels, Phuket, Thailand (2002).
Rural electrification and development in the Philippines: measuring the social and economic benefits. D. Barnes. World Bank (2002).
Wide-spread implement of renewable energy projects in APEC member economies: road maps for success. J.M. Weingart and R.F. Lee. Published for the APEC Energy Working Group by Alternative Energy Development (2001).
Commercialization of solar PV systems in China. J. Li, ed. China Environmental Science Press (2001).
The state action plan of new and renewable energy development in China. Center for Renewable Energy Development. Energy Research Institute, China State Development Planning Commission (2001).
Bulk renewable energy independent power producers in South Africa. Jorgen Boldt et al. Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development (DANCED) (2001).
Addressing challenges to sustainable development with innovative energy technologies in a competitive electric industry. Robert H. Williams. Energy for Sustainable Development 5(2): 48-73 (2001).
Socio-economic impacts of rural electrification in Namibia: comparison between grid, solar and unelectrified households. N. Wamukonya and M. Davis. Energy for Sustainable Development (2001).
Self-sufficient energy supply for isolated communities: wind-diesel systems in the Canary Islands. Jose Antonio Carta and Jaime Gonzalez. The Energy Journal 22(3): 115-145 (2001).
Ethanol as a lead replacement: phasing out leaded gasoline in Africa. Valerie Thomas and Andrew Kwong. Energy Policy 29(13): 1133-1143 (2001).
Accelerating PV expansion: supply analysis for competitive electricity markets. Adam Payne, Richard Duke, and Robert Williams. Energy Policy 29(10): 787-800 (2001).
Renewable energy policy in Lithuania. Vladislovas Katinas and Romualdas Skema. Energy Policy 29: 811-816 (2001).
Renewables portfolio standard: a means for trade with electricity from renewable energy sources? Simone Espey. Energy Policy 29(7): 557-566 (2001).
Customer aggregation: an opportunity for green power? Edward Holt and Lori Bird. NREL/TP-620-29408. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2001).
Experience with solar home systems in developing countries: a review. F.D.J. Nieuwenhout et al. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applictions 9: 455-474 (2001).
The growing photovoltaic market in India. Akanksha Chaurey. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 9: 235-244 (2001).
Commercial breaks--building the market for PV in Africa. M. Hankins. Renewable Energy World 4(4): 164-175 (2001).
New and renewable energy technologies in Asia. G Timilsina, T Lefevre and SK Noim Uddin. Renewable Energy World 4(4): 52-67 (2001).
The PV boom--where Germany and Japan lead, will California follow? P. Maycock. Renewable Energy World 4(4): 144-163 (2001).
Micro-hybrids in rural China: rural electrification with wind/PV hybrids. D. Lew. RE-Focus, Apr, pp. 30-33 (2001).
RE in Mexico: barriers and strategies. Jorge Huacuz. RE Focus Jan/Feb: 18-19 (2001).
Ripening RE markets: capacity building for the rapid commercialisation of RE in China. J Graham. RE-focus April, pp. 18-23 (2001).
Wind power in China: current status and implications for the international community. C. Brown. RE-focus April, pp. 24-28 (2001).
Blending wind and solar into the diesel generator market. Virinder Singh. Renewable Energy Policy Project Research Report No. 12. REPP (2001).
Selected options for stabilizing green-house gas emissions for sustainable development: renewable energy sector status paper. Tata Energy Research Institute (2001).
Renewables: products and markets. Mahesh Vipradas, ed. Tata Energy Research Institute (2001).
Renewable energy technologies: potential for Africa. Stephen Karekezi. UNEP (2001).
Generating opportunities: case studies on energy and women. G. V. Karlson and Salome Misana, eds. UN Development Programme (2001).
Towards 100% RES supply: renewable energy sources for island sustainable development. 2010 Island. International Scientific Council for Island Development, UNESCO (Paris, 2001).
Experience with PV Systems in Africa: summaries of selected case studies. Njeri Wamukonya, ed. UNEP (2001).
Economics of building integrated PV in China. John Byrne, Gerard Alleng and Aiming Zhou. University of Delaware, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy (2001).
Renewable energy state of the industry report [for several developing countries]. Winrock International (2001).
Going to work for wind power. Michael Renner. World Watch (January-February 2001), pp. 22-30.
The microfinance revolution: sustainable finance for the poor. Marguerite S. Robinson. World Bank (2001).
Vietnam renewable energy action plan. V. Susan Bogach, R. Anil Cabraal, Jon Exel, Pham Nguyet Anh. World Bank and Vietnam Ministry of Industry (2001). Available from Vietnam Development Information Center
Windpower: a turn of the century review. Jon G. McGowan and Stephen R. Connors. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 25: 147-197 (2000).
The potential market for photovoltaics and other distributed resources in rural electric cooperatives. Thomas Hoff and Matthew Cheney. The Energy Journal 21(3): 113-127 (2000).
Financing of solar home systems in developing countries. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) (2000).
Shifting patterns of fuel and wood use by households in rural Zimbabwe. S.J. Vermeulen, B.M. Campbell and J.J. Mangono. Energy and Environment 11(3) (2000).
Photovoltaics: technology overview. M.A. Green. Energy Policy 28: 989-998 (2000).
The diffusion of renewable energy technology: an analytical framework and key issues for research. Staffan Jacobsson and Anna Johnson. Energy Policy 28(9): 625-640 (2000).
Alternatives to coal and candles: wind power in China. D. Lew. Energy Policy 28: 271-286 (2000).
Wind energy development in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, India--institutional dynamics and barriers. A. Jagadeesh. Energy Policy 28: 157-168 (2000).
Photovoltaics in Zimbabwe: lessons from the GEF solar project. Yacob Mulugetta, Tinoshe Nhete and Tim Jackson. Energy Policy 28(14): 1069-1080 (2000).
The viability of solar photovoltaics. Tim Jackson and Mark Oliver. Energy Policy 28: 983-988 (2000).
Learning to lend for off-grid solar power: policy lessons from World Bank loans to India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. D Miller and C Hope. Energy Policy 28(2): 87-106 (2000).
Solar photovoltaics for sustainable agriculture and rural development. B. van Campen, D. Guidi and G. Best. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2000).
Special report on methodological and technological issues in technology transfer. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2000).
Monitoring and evaluation of solar home systems: experiences with applications of solar PV for households in developing countries. F.D.J. Niewenhout, A. van Dijk, V.A.P. van Dijk, D. Hirsch, P.E. Lasschuit, et al. Netherlands Energy Research Foundation ECN (2000).
Solar home systems in Kenya--unlocking consumer finance. Ian Simm, Amir Haq and Vikram Widge. Renewable Energy World 3(6): 46-53 (2000).
Biogas in rural household energy supply: the Nepal biogas support program. Wim Van Nes and Mathew Mendis. Renewable Energy World 3(2): 100-113 (2000).
Commercializing renewable energy in China. Jungsheng Zhu, William Wallace and Bernard McNelis. Renewable Energy World 3(5): 86-91 (2000).
World status of geothermal energy use--past and potential. John Lund. Renewable Energy World 3(4): 122-131 (2000).
Power for the grasslands: renewables at work in Inner Mongolia. Li Lin. Renewable Energy World 3(3): 74-79 (2000).
PV power and profit? electrifying rural South Africa. Rene Karottki and Douglas Banks. Renewable Energy World 3(1): 50-59 (2000).
Private micro-hydro power and associated investments in Nepal: the Barpak village case and broader issues. Bir Bahadur Ghale, Ganesh Ram Shrestha and Russell J. de Lucia. Natural Resources Forum 24: 273-284 (2000).
50 MW of wind power for Morocco: Al Koudia Al Baida wind farm. Jean-Michel Germa, Alain Pages and Thomas McGrath. Renewable Energy World 3(4): 158-169 (2000).
Set for the 21st century -- Germany's new renewable energy law. Andreas Wagner. Renewable Energy World 3(2): 72-83 (March-April 2000).
Bioenergy primer: modernised biomass energy for sustainable development. S. Kartha and E.D. Larson. UN Development Programme (2000).
Zimbabwe rural electrification study. ESMAP Report 228/00. World Bank (2000).
Assessing markets for renewable energy in rural areas of northwestern China. ESMAP Technical Paper No. 3. World Bank (2000).
Brazil rural electrification with renewable energy systems in the northeast: a pre-investment study. ESMAP Report 232/00. World Bank (2000).
In search of better ways to develop solar markets: the case of Comoros. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program. World Bank (2000).
Photovoltaic applications in rural areas of the developing world. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program Technical Paper No. 9. World Bank (2000).
Best practices for sustainable development of micro hydro power in developing countries. Smail Khennas and Andrew Barnett. Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme Technical Paper No. 6. World Bank (2000).
Energy services for the world's poor. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program. World Bank (2000).
Solar so good--an EC funded solar utility succeeds in Kiribati. B Gillet and G. Wilkins. APC-EC Courier Oct-Nov(177): 5-7 (1999).
Biomass ethanol: technical progress, opportunities, and commercial challenges. Charles E. Wyman. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 24: 189-226 (1999).
Socio-economic impacts of rural electrification in Namibia: the impact of electrification on rural health care facilities, education and small businesses. B. James, M. Nakatana and B. Rudek. Energy and Development Research Centre (1999).
The economics of market transformation programs. Richard Duke and Daniel M. Kammen. The Energy Journal 20(4): 15-64 (1999).
The alcohol program. Jose Moreira and Jose Goldemberg. Energy Policy 27: 229-245 (1999).
Bringing power to the people: promoting appropriate energy technologies in the developing world. Daniel M. Kammen. Environment 41(5): 10-15; 34-41 (1999).
Power switch: will the restructured electric utility system help the environment? Richard F. Hirsh and Adam H. Serchuk. Environment 41(September): 4-9; 32-39 (1999).
Establishing renewable energy markets. Carola Hanisch. Environmental Science and Technology 33(23): 508A-511 (1999).
Moving ahead with solar cookers: acceptance and introduction to the market. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (1999).
Stand-alone photovoltaic applications: lessons learned. Geerling Loois and Bernard van Hemert, eds. James and James (1999).
A new energy paradigm for the 21st century. Christopher Flavin and Seth Dunn. Journal of International Affairs 53(1): 167-190 (1999).
Renewable energy markets in China: an analysis of renewable energy markets in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Jilin and Yunnan provinces with updated information from Beijing. S. Vaupen. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (1999).
The evolving renewable energy market. International Energy Agency, OECD (1999).
Sweet future? Brazil's ethanol fuel programme. Frank Rosillo Calle. Renewable Energy World 2(5): 46-53 (1999).
Challenges for a new millennium: solar energy business in the developing world. Lalith Gunaratne. Renewable Energy World 2(4): 80-85 (1999).
Offgrid in Asia: the solar electricity business. Kamal Kapadia. Renewable Energy World 2(6): 23-33 (1999).
Transforming lives: microcredit promotes renewable energy in Bangladesh. Tania Urmee and Nancy Wimmer. Renewable Energy World 2(4): 120-129 (1999).
The grassroots are greener: a community-based approach to marketing green power. Rudd Mayer, Eric Blank, and Blair Swezey. Renewable Energy Policy Project Research Report No. 8 (1999).
The Grameen Bank. Muhammad Yunus. Scientific American 281(5): 90-95 (1999).
Powerful partnerships: the federal role in international cooperation on energy innovation. President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology. U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy (1999).
Uganda rural electrification strategy study. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program Report No. 221/99. World Bank (1999).
A review of the renewable energy activities of the UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme 1993-1998. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program Report No. 223/99. World Bank (1999).
Towards Pro-Alcool II: a review of the Brazilian bioethanol programme. F Rossillo-Calle and L.A.B. Cortez. Biomass and Bioenergy 14(2): 115-124 (1998).
Competitive retail markets: tenuous ground for renewable energy. Nancy A. Rader and William P. Short III. The Electricity Journal (April 1998).
The economics of sustainable energy for rural development: a study of renewable energy in rural China. J. Byrne, B. Shen and W. Wallace. Energy Policy 26(1): 45-54 (1998).
Solar electricity in Africa: a reality. Robert J. van der Plas and Mark Hankins. Energy Policy 26(4): 295-300 (1998).
Reforms in sub-Saharan Africa's power industries. J. Girod and J. Percebois. Energy Policy 26(1): 21-32 (1998).
The outlook for renewable energy technologies. Robert Williams, Stephen Karakezi, Jyoti Parikh and Chihiro Watanabe. Global Environment Facility (1998).
Strategic options for reducing CO2 in China: improving energy efficiency and using alternatives to fossil fuels. D. Fang, D. Lew, P. Li, D. Kammen and R. Wilson. In Energizing China: Reconciling Environmental Protection and Economic Growth, M. McElroy, C. Nielsen and P. Lydon, eds. Harvard University Press (1998).
Large-scale baseload wind power in China. D. Lew, R.H. Williams, S Xie and S Zhang. Natural Resources Forum 22(3): 165-84 (1998).
Lessons learned in small-scale renewable energy dissemination: A Comparison of China and Thailand. D. Lew. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO (1998).
Opportunities for renewable energy sources in Central Asia countries. Alaibek J. Obozov, Walter V. Loscutoff. NREL/TP-210-25047. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (1998).
PV electrification in India and China: NREL's experience in international cooperation. J L Stone, Tsuo Y S, Ullal H S. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, pp. 341-356 (1998).
Accelerating sustainable photovoltaic market development. A. Cabraal, M. Cosgrove-Davies and L. Schaeffer. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 6: 297-306 (1998).
Long-term integration of renewable energy sources into the European energy system. The LTI-Research Group, ed. Physica-Verlag (1998).
Electricity sector reform in developing countries: implications for renewable energy. Keith Kozloff. Renewable Energy Policy Project Research Report No. 2 (1998).
Climate of opportunity: renewable energy after Kyoto. C. Flavin and Seth Dunn. Renewable Energy Policy Project Issue Brief No. 11 (1998).
Transforming the market for solar water heaters: a new model to building a permanent sales force. John S. Hoffman and John Bruce Wells. Renewable Energy Policy Project Research Report No. 4 (1998).
Financing incentives for renewable energy development: proceedings of an international workshop, Feb. 17-21, 1997, Amsterdam, Netherlands. E. Scott Piscitello and V. Susan Bogach. World Bank (1998).
Creating a market for renewables: electricity policy options for developing countries. Dan Shepherd. World Bank (1998).
China: a strategy for international assistance to accelerate renewable energy development. Robert P. Taylor and V. Susan Bogach. World Bank Discussion Paper No. 388 (1998).
Solar power markets boom. Christopher Flavin and Molly O'Meara. World Watch (Sept/Oct 1998).
Renewable energy policy in IEA countries. International Energy Agency, OECD (1997).
Key issues in developing renewables. International Energy Agency, OECD (1997).
Enhancing the market deployment of energy technologies: a survey of eight technologies. International Energy Agency, OECD (1997).
Energy technologies for the 21st century. International Energy Agency, OECD (1997).
Biogas promotion in Kenya: a review of experiences. Stephen Gitonga. Intermediate Technology Development Group (1997).
Renewable energy technology and policy for development. Dennis Anderson. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 22: 187-215 (1997).
Charging ahead: the business of renewable energy and what it means for America. John J Berger. University of California Press (1997).
Energy after Rio: prospects and challenges. Amulya K. N. Reddy, R. H. Williams and T. B. Johansson. United Nations Development Program (1997).
Renewable energy technologies in Africa. Stephen Karekesi and Timothy Ranja, eds. Zed Books (1997).
Accelerating rural electrification in Inner Mongolia with the use of wind and solar energy. M. Richter and B. Meunier. (1997).
Rural and renewable energy: perspectives from developing countries. P. Venkata Ramana, ed. Tata Energy Research Institute (1997).
Shining examples [solar financing]. Christopher Flavin and Molly O'Meira. World Watch (May/June 1997).
Household power in a new light: policy lessons and questions for photovoltaic technology in Africa. D.M. Kammen. Tiempo: Global Warming and the Third World 20: 1-8 (1996).
Rural energy in developing countries: a challenge for economic development. D. Barnes and W.M. Floor. Annual Review of Energy 21: 497-530 (1996).
The evolution of ethanol costs in Brazil (communication). Jose Goldemberg. Energy Policy 24(12): 1127-1128 (1996).
Rural energy and development: improving energy supplies for 2 billion people. World Bank. (1996).
The quiet (energy) revolution: analyzing the dissemination of photovoltaic power systems in Kenya. Richard H. Acker and Daniel M. Kammen. Energy Policy 24(1): 81-111 (1996).
Photovoltaic water pumps: an attractive tool for rural drinking water supply. R. Posorski. Solar Energy 58(4-6): 155-163 (1996).
Best practices for photovoltaic household electrification programs: lessons from experiences in selected countries. A. Cabraal, M. Cosgrove-Davies and L. Schaeffer. World Bank (1996).
Solar power and climate change policy in developing countries. Thomas E Drennen, Jon D Erickson and Duane Chapman. Energy Policy 24(1): 9-16 (1996).
Examples in action: sustainable energy experiences in developing and transition countries. International Institute for Energy Conservation (1996).
Renewable energy strategies for Europe: Volume I, foundations and context. Michael Grubb. Royal Institute of International Affairs/Earthscan (1995).
Cookstoves for the developing world. D.M. Kammen. Scientific American 273: 72-75 (1995).
Photovoltaic applications in rural areas of the developing world. Gerald Foley. World Bank Technical Paper No. 304 (1995).
Basic electrification for rural households: experience with the dissemination of small-scale photovoltaic systems. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) (1995).
Renewable energy development in India: analysis of US policy experience. P. Venkata Ramana and Keith Kozloff, eds. Tata Energy Research Institute (1995).
Institutional frameworks for electricity supply to rural communities -- A literature review. M. Davis. Energy and Development Research Center, University of Capetown (1995).
Energy as an instrument for socio-economic development. J. Goldemberg and T. B. Johansson, eds. United Nations Development Programme (1995).
Small-scale biomass gasifiers for heat and power: a global review. H. Stassen. World Bank (1995).
Transportation fuels: ethanol fuels in Brazil. Sergio C. Trindade and Walter Vergara. Encyclopedia of Energy Technology and the
Environment, pp. 2707-2712. John Wiley & Sons (1995).
Rethinking development assistance for renewable energy. Keith Kozloff and Olatokumbo Shobowale. World Resources Institute (1994).
Power surge: guide to the coming energy revolution. Christopher Flavin and Nicholas Lenssen. Norton (1994).
Solar energy: lessons from the Pacific Island experience. Andres Liebenthal, Subodh Mathur and Herbert Wade. World Bank (1994).
Solar photovoltaics in Sri Lanka: a short story. L. Gunaratne. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 2: 307-316 (1994).
Disseminating renewable energy technologies in sub-Saharan Africa. Stephen Karakezi. Annual Review of Energy 19: 387-424 (1994).
Renewable energy technologies: a review of the status and costs of selected technologies. Kulsum Ahmed. World Bank Technical Paper No. 240 (1994).
What makes people cook with improved biomass stoves? Douglas F. Barnes, Keith Openshaw, Kirk R. Smith, and Robert van der Plas. World Bank Technical Paper No. 242 (1994).
1993 and earlier
Energy options for Africa. S. Karekezi and G. Mackenzie, eds. Zed books (1993).
Renewable energy: prospects for implementation. Tim Jackson, ed. Stockholm Environment Institute (1993).
100 million biomass stoves in China: how was it done? K. R. Smith, Shuhua Gu, H. Kun and Daxiong Qiu. World Development 21(6): 941-961 (1993).
Energy for rural development. M. R. Bhagavan and S. Karekezi, eds. London, Zed Books: 89-107 (1992).
Renewable energy in third world development assistance: learning from experience. Gerald Foley. Energy Policy 20(4): 355-364 (1992).
What makes technology transfer? Small-scale hydropower in Nepal's public and private sectors. Godfrey Cromwell. World Development 20(7): 979-989 (1990).
The potential of renewable energy: an interlaboratory white paper. SERI/NREL (1990).
Diffusion and innovation in the Chinese biogas program. Daxiong Qiu, Shuhua Gu, Baofen Liange and Gehua Wang. World Development 18(4): 555-563 (1990).
Energy for the developing world. Amulya K. N. Reddy and Jose Goldemberg. Scientific American 263(3): 110-118 (1990).
Establishing new markets for mature energy equipment in developing countries: experience with windmills, hydro-powered mills and solar water heaters. Christopher Hurst. World Development 18(4): 605-615 (1990).
Promoting rural energy technology: the case of gasifiers in the Philippines. Francisco P. Bernardo and Gregorio U. Kilayko. World Development 18(4): 565-574 (1990).
The diffusion of energy technology in the rural areas of developing countries: a synthesis of recent experience. Andrew Barnett. World Development 18(4): 539-553 (1990).
Page updated July 11, 2003
Photo credits C. Babcock, W. Gretz and
DOE/NREL Photo Information Exchange